Using color and texture L’s Ama’s HeART seeks to open the eyes of viewers hearts to find hope, healing, joy, and peace.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

The tree of life

"I wish that I could give you something... but I have nothing left. I am an old stump. I am sorry..."

"I don't need very much now," said the boy, "just a quiet pleace to sit and rest. I am very tired." 

"Well," said the tree, straightening herself up as much as she could,

"well, an old stump is a good for sitting and resting. Come, Boy, sit down. Sit down and rest."

And the boy did.

And the tree was happy.” 

― Shel SilversteinThe Giving Tree

At one point I  believed in the concept of balance in life.
And then I did not.

Next I held on to the idea of life being like a wave.
It ebbs and it flows.
It rushes toward the shore
then runs back to the sea.
Things come and things go.
There is a rush of activity.
Then there is a time of inactivity.

After untangling the knots of my soul recently 
and reflecting on this last bit of time
I have begun to see that life is more like a tree.

This week in the northern hemisphere we head into spring.
The trees are beginning to change.
Where once there was no visible growth,
new life is bursting forth. 
Buds seem to appear overnight.

Soon leaves and flowers will break free
reaching to the sun
in their circle of life.

In what will seem the blink of an eye 
the leaves will change color
in the majestic pageantry that is nature.

There will come a windy day 
to snatch away
the last of the brave leaves.
The ground will catch each one as they become 
a new blanket of many colors.

When the leaves are but a memory 
the tree will seem barren and dead.
Gnarled branches empty.
Naked to the eye.

Yet it is in this new season 
much growth will occur.


These months have been such for me.
From the outside 
stripped of what I once was
life may seem barren and dry
looking from the outside in.

Yet Love has slowly put my heart back together.
Knitted the broken pieces of my soul 
into a tapestry of beauty, strength, and growth.

Spring has begun to take hold
on the inside.
New growth is being revealed.
I am reaching once again for the Sun.

Like the tree that thought she had nothing left to offer
I have is much to share with others.
It may be resting.
It may be growing.
It matters not,
yet there is much happening in my life.

This piece is available for purchase
contact me at lsamasheart at gmail dot com.

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